Sunday, 21 July 2013

Execute parameterized PL SQL procedure from OAF page

import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransaction;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransactionImpl;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement;
import java.sql.Types;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;

public String dataSumAction(String item1,String item2)
{ OADBTransaction oadbtransaction = (OADBTransaction)getTransaction();
  OADBTransactionImpl oadbtransactionimpl = (OADBTransactionImpl)getTransaction();
 String retValues;
 StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
 str.append( " BEGIN ");
 str.append( " test_package.data_sum( ");
 str.append( "       item1           => :1, ");
 str.append( "       item2           => :2, ");
 str.append( "       data_sum    => :3  ");
 str.append( "    ); ");
 str.append( " END; ");
 OracleCallableStatement oraclecallablestatement =
  (OracleCallableStatement)oadbtransaction.createCallableStatement(str.toString(), 1);
  oraclecallablestatement.setInt(1,  Integer.parseInt(item1) );
  oraclecallablestatement.setInt(2,  Integer.parseInt(item2) );
  oraclecallablestatement.registerOutParameter(3, Types.VARCHAR);

  retValues = oraclecallablestatement.getString(3);
 catch(Exception e)
  throw OAException.wrapperException(e);
 return retValues;


 public void testStoredProcedure() { 
     OADBTransaction txn = getDBTransaction();  
     CallableStatement callableStatement =txn.createCallableStatement("begin mmm_procedure(:1, :2); end;",OADBTransaction.DEFAULT);  
       callableStatement.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);  
       callableStatement.setString(1, "mahi");  
       String outParamValue = null;  
       outParamValue = callableStatement.getString(1);  
     catch (SQLException sqle) 


Launch Workflow from OAF Page

Using class oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OANavigation provided by Oracle for Workflow API, you can launch workflow directly from OAF Page.  There are two ways to launch workflow :

1.  Oracle PL/SQL API (wf_engine)
2.  Java Wrappers

we shall launch a workflow from OAF page.

1.  Create a submit button and name the partial event as "launchWF"
2.  Write below java procedure to invoke workflow

import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OANavigation;

    public void launchWF(OAPageContext pageContext)
        String PItemType = "XXTEST";
        String PProcess = "XXTEST_PROCESS";
        String PItemKey = "SEQUENCE VALUE";  // This can be a random item key generated
        OANavigation wf = new OANavigation();
        // Now create Workflow Process
        wf.createProcess(pageContext, PItemType, PProcess, PItemKey);
        // Set Employee number
        wf.setItemAttrText(pageContext, PItemType, PItemKey,"EMPLOYEE_ID", "101");
        // Start Workflow Process
        wf.startProcess(pageContext, PItemType, PProcess, PItemKey);


3.  Call the above procedure in ProcessFormRequest Method

    public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);

    if ("launchWF".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Passing parameters from one OAF page to another OAF Page

//In  processFormRequest()
HashMap xxhashMap = new HashMap(1);
xxhashMap .put("ParamName1", "Value1");

oapagecontext.setForwardURL("MY_FUNCTION", (byte)0, null, xxhashMap , true, "N", (byte)0);

                                      null, xxhashMap , true,

You can then retrieve this parameter in processRequest() via:

Friday, 12 July 2013

Set DFF Segment Required in OA Framework

In processRequest or processFormRequest Use this code.....

OADescriptiveFlexBean oaDFF = (OADescriptiveFlexBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("FlexField"); // put your dff web bean name here

// If you want to set the first Dff (first dff shown in the page) to required then

OAMessageChoiceBean FirstDff = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oaDFF.findIndexedChild("FlexField0");

if (FirstDff != null)
FirstDff .setRequired("yes"); // Try to access the value here using getText() or getValue() methods..

// If you want to set the  second DFF (second dff shown on page) then

OAMessageChoiceBean SecDffe = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oaDFF.findIndexedChild("FlexField1");

SecDffe .setValue("Default value string"); // Try to access the value here using getText() or getValue() methods..


OADescriptiveFlexBean oaDFF = (OADescriptiveFlexBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("FlexDFF"); // put your dff web bean name here

Enumeration dffElements= null;
dffElements= oaDFF.getChildNames();
       String DffName = (String)dffElements.nextElement();
       OAWebBean dffbeans=(OAWebBean)oaDFF.findChildRecursive(DffName );
      if(dffbeans != null)
